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ATRA is run by a dedicated and professionally experienced team of respected industry people with a wealth of experience in all fields, including direct campaign marketing and communications.

ATRA partners with the business community in the form of mutually beneficial partnership opportunities - and we ensure that the benefits don’t just flow one-way from your generosity. We implement strategies to provide your business and/or products with exposure into a key target market to help you build brand awareness, grow your customer base and increase your sales.

Depending on which Opportunity you select, ATRA will promote your business and products online with our multiple web activities, in the lead up to and during the 2025 ATRA National Finals held in Capella in September, on our continually increasing social media hoof-print of nearly 8,000 engaged followers and during our ongoing engagement with the wider rodeo performance horse community through our ATRA Promoter events.

This is done to provide our Corporate Partners with a clear list of returns on investment (ROIs), through a variety of target methods that are listed under each of the Opportunities offered in our 2025 ATRA Corporate Partnership Program.


Why not join us in 2025!

Many thanks to our

Please support those who spend so much time helping and investing in our sport!

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