The passing of the flag during roping from one experienced and competent judge to another is permitted. Promoters shall not permit flaggers to rope in a roping event he/she is flagging unless the event is using rotations, and more than one flagger is in use. The promoter shall provide each flagger with an ATRA rulebook and shall require that each flagger conduct the event in accordance with ATRA rules. All flag judges must be mounted and exercise a quality level of examination when checking head, heel, and calf loops.
New Rule to read-
The passing of the flag during a roping event from one experienced and competent judge to another is permitted. The promoter shall provide each flagger with an ATRA rulebook and ensure that each flagger conducts the event in accordance with ATRA rules. All flag judges must be mounted and exercise a high level of scrutiny when checking head, heel, and calf loops. The ATRA Board recommends a maximum of three judges should be used per roping event.